A netflix users guide to documentaries on netflix

With a hope that you will take the time to educate yourself about many things you have been taught were conspiracies and see the destruction that the criminal eliment that is Washington D.C. has done to your nation, and your childrens future!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Growing your own Food Illegal: S510 Makes it the Law- ACTION NEEDED

S510sign the petition here - http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=4613 Stand up America and Kill this bill It only takes a thirty seconds to show you care!!

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Learn more on Netflix by watching the documentary:
"The future of food "

1992 Dan Quayle Vice President and chair of Council of competitiveness ensured Monsanto there would be no regulation while most scientists insisted there needed to be. He went so far as to bring in Michael Taylor, Deputy Commissioner for policy at the FDA and Monsanto’s senior council to ensure Monsanto did not face regulations.

This was not the only government ties to Monsanto over the years here are a few names in high places that also worked directly for or with Monsanto you might recognize:
Linda Fisher, executive Vice President for Monsanto Corp. who left and went to work for the FDA under Bush senior, then back to Monsanto, and again back to the FDA.

Justice Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court Justice- Monsanto’s Lawyer for monetary affairs.

Micky Kantor, Secretary of Commerce – Board of Directors Monsanto.

Lidia Watrud, Biotech researcher Monsanto – Worked for the EPA

Anne Veneman, board of directors, Calgene (purchased by Monsanto) – Secretary of Agriculture.

Michael Friedman, Senior Vice President GD Searle, a division of Monsanto – Acting Commissioner FDA

William Ruckleshaus, Monsanto Board member- Chief Administrator, FDA

Donald Rumsfeld, President of Searle (subsidiary of Monsanto) – Secretary of Defense

John Ashcroft, went to the Supreme Court to fight for Monsanto patents (largest campaign donor – Monsanto)

Oct. 6, 2000 In house newsletter from Monsanto reads:
“Agriculture biotech will find a supporter occupying the White House next year, regardless of which candidate wins in November”.